Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Plan

Upon a few occasions in my life, I've received hints from guys I liked that they liked me back.

Hints are good. There's nothing wrong with hints. But if something's going to develop between two people who like each other, then hints alone will not suffice. At some point, action needs to be taken.

I don't know why human beings are so bad at this. On more than one occasion I've known of people who liked each other, who were fairly secure in their knowledge that their affections were returned, yet who never summoned up the courage to make things official. The opportunity passed them by, and none of them ended up together.

I guess everybody ever is super duper afraid of rejection. When we don't know for 100% positive that someone likes us back, we're scared to say something about it. Which is a problem when usually the only way we can know for 100% positive is by saying something.

I'm no better, I'm afraid. I try to be honest with people in my actions and say things that need to be said. Yet I, too, am often scared.

One time, I developed a brilliant plan to tell a man I was interested in him. I decided to wear my glasses instead of my contacts. Then when he said, "I like your glasses," (because of course he would) I would say, "I like you."

It was smooth. It was clever. It was kind of dorky but that's just how I roll. Best of all, it was very risk-free, comparatively speaking.

I saw the man. I was wearing my glasses. He said, "I like the glasses," as I'd known he would. It was all going according to plan.

So I said...


Alas. Are we all cowards at heart?

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