Saturday, November 16, 2013

Calling It Quits

Teenage girls think they're soooo funny, even when they're not. Especially when they're not.

Back when Viola and I were teenagers, we used to get together to write short stories. We would each start a story, write a few paragraphs, and then switch. And switch. And switch until it all came to either a fitting or rather abrupt ending, depending on how well we found we could write that day.

Another thing we did as teenagers was eat dollar frosties from Wendy's. I'm surprised that I've ended up a relatively healthy person with low blood pressure and good teeth, because we ate many a frosty back in the day. And I swear, every time they made us high. After a few spoonfuls we'd be giggling at everything.

One evening, we were writing and eating frosties at the same time. 'Twas a dangerous combination. We ended up writing a story about a guy named Septimus and a girl named Ivory who had the whole love-from-opposite-sides-of-the-tracks thing going on. Septimus had, like, twenty-five siblings (of which he was the seventh--a bit of frosty-induced cleverness on our part, no doubt) and this truly awful car that was held together with chicken wire and string or something else that lent a subtle hint that Septimus was poor.

AWKWARD MORMON GIRL: Let's call it quits.

VIOLA:...the story?

AWKWARD MORMON GIRL: No! The car! Let's name it Quits!

We practically rolled on the floor laughing at this hilariousness.

When we graduated from high school and I got my laptop, the following ensued:

AWKWARD MORMON GIRL: Viola! I'm calling my laptop Quits!

More hilariousness. More laughter. Because aside from the punniness of the name, what could be more ironic than a spanking brand-new laptop called Quits?

Years passed. Now Quits has a battery problem.

Every time I unplug him, Quits quits.

Touché, irony. Touché.


  1. Uh-oh. Laptop problems. Mine is having them, too. I wish it was ironically named to provide me humor when it's working weird.

    1. Yes, thank heavens I had the foresight to give my laptop an ironic name. :)


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