Wednesday, July 16, 2014

On My Knees

You know what's great about Christianity?

In Matthew, and in Nephi, and in the Doctrine and Covenants, we're asked to endure to the end.

Basically, it's the scripture version of this:
La Petite and I were speaking today of how discouraged we are about a multitude of things.

Now, La Petite and I do not have awful lives. Far from it. We're two darned blessed individuals when you get down to it. But we have our trials and tribulations, and we face the daily complications of even the most humdrum of existences.

Sometimes we get sick of it all. Today, we were sick of it all.

Today, I find it necessary to apply the reminder of enduring to the end.

One of the greatest pieces of advice I've ever received is that when discouragement comes knocking on my door, I should get on my knees and pray for the strength to keep going.

Guess what? It works.

Also, posters of kittens don't hurt.

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