Saturday, July 15, 2017

In Which I Sleep in the Back Seat of a Car

You're probably thinking, "Oh my gosh, Awkward Mormon Girl! Why did you have to sleep in the backseat of a car?"

The story goes like this:

-I went to a ward camp out because I'm on my ward's activities committee.

-So many of the people on that ward camp out own dogs.

-My sleeping bag was exposed to some dog allergens.

-When I snuggled down to go to bed, my throat started tightening.

-I'd taken allergy medicine earlier that day, but it didn't seem to be working.

-Luckily, I'd brought my inhaler.

-Unluckily, it turned out to be not my inhaler but only the aero chamber which I attach to the inhaler.

-The camp out was at a national park where there was no reception and whose gates closed at 10 p.m. If I left to grab medicine, I wouldn't be able to get back in.

-Thus Pepper kindly drove me all the way home.

-I used my inhaler and changed my clothes. Instantly I felt better.

-We slept at home. The next morning we drove all the way back so that I could complete my activities committee duties.

-Since the tent was already infected with allergens, I spent the second night in the backseat of Pepper's car.

-It was very comfortable.

-I would do it again.

-The End.

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