Wednesday, January 22, 2014

College Quotes

Here are some funny and/or insightful things I heard in my various college classes freshman year, as lifted from the margins of my notes:

"That's why I don't live in the real world. It's boring."

"Go to the second floor... no, the next one up..."
"The third floor?"
"The third floor."

"I hope you didn't do any homework."

"Victorian popular culture's a riot."

"I wonder if it would help if I banged on the wall." *bangs on wall*

"If you wanna rule the universe, be a good writer. If you don't wanna rule the universe, be a good writer so you can get out of it."

"It's your class. I mean, I'm your mentor and I'm God, but it's your class."

"I celebrate Columbus Day by going to other people's houses and telling them I live there now."

*lying across the desk* "No! Go away! Go away! You're disrespecting your professor!"

"It's so embarrassing, though. The box is full of... shame."

"Sometimes it's good not to meet all the people you admire. My strategy is to avoid all of them so I can still admire them."

"I call them nonsonnet sonnets, which irritates some..."

"You know, I have a brother who is now a retired Marine corps... and... well... he can't... never mind."

"There are poets that are couples, but they don't last very long."

Of Harry Potter: "If you think about it, this last movie is the end of our generation."

"The problem is what?"
"The problem is that you're a socialist."

"If you're gonna be so audacious, at least use Spellcheck."

"How does wireless network work? 'Cause it kinda freaks me out."
"How familiar are you with Oompa-Loompas?"

"She stole your tangle."

"He lets his wife die for him, and then he just can't get over it."

"He's coming to take away somebody's life. Generally that's not funny."

"I'm thinking of superheroes."

"Socrates, Hamlet-style, and then Plato wakes up in the end."

"Why is there lightning? Why did it hit my house? Why am I on fire?"

"It's not just, 'I need to get some Fritos. I'll die if I don't have Fritos today,' which I've had that thought actually..."

"I don't know how many of you think you have an immortal soul."
"I do."
"What is it?"
"I have a picture of it in my diary. I can bring it in if you really want me to."

"Sounds like an Indiana Jones movie: Oedipus Rex and the Search for the Truth."

1: "She's the queen, Oedipus's wife. And his mother, I guess."
2: "You guess?"
1: "Well, the text proves it, but it's weird to think about."
2: "What's weird about it?"
1: " Well."
3: "What's not weird about it?"

"Ow, I stabbed my eyes out."

"It's not a tragedy."
"Well, two kids do get killed..."

Of Medea: "She has this whole Gollum thing going on..."

"I'm not being flip."

"[Student] will fall, so that the rest of us can live."

"I wouldn't want to be thought of as a sheep... They're stupid... just follow people around..."
"They're also warm and fluffy."

"If I was a sheep, I'd feel pretty safe."
"What happens when the shepherd is gone?"
"Well, he comes back after three days."

"I'm confused now what you're asking me."
"Yeah, me too."

Of "The Wanderer": "epic poem without the epic part."

"I think the difference between having the questions and not having them for me was when I lost all hope."

"I don't know what it's like to have my head cut off."
"It hurts."

"God wanted to go shopping one day because he was lonely."
"So he went to Soul Depot?"

"First of all, dish soap is bad for your trumpet. Secondly, I would very much like to take a shower right now."

"Truth with a capital Tree... T."

"Oh... that sounds like God."

"Other duties may require your arm, or being alive."

"It was very French. I liked it."

"Next thing you know he's at the chimney throwing rocks at it, and... yeah."
"What a story."

"Really intense... my mother."

"I'm not saying that Communists are divine."

"Oh, they're killing each other. Sacrifice something."

"'Cause it's Shakespeare and you can't do that."

"I'm gonna die soon, so... I'm crazy now. Just for fun."

"Does anyone else have a hovering problem?"

"It didn't bother me til my brother got taller than me."

"You don't want to write your paper as a drama with a surprise at the end."

"Wrap it up differently? How? By singing?"

"He starts insulting him: 'I'll put you in a tree!'"

"So this is like a magical hangover?"

"I really had no idea that he was that ignorant."

"He decided to conquer vast portions of Asia in his spare time."

"And that scared everyone, obviously."

"No bashing on heads with rocks, not even when honey is involved."

"Oh my gosh, is he a pre-Hobbesian?"

"Your idea is thrown on the trash heap of history."

"You've all shown that this is being more complicated than I thought."

"She's big in the history of history."

"The relationship between slaughter houses and... ah, execution. I thought it was education."

"I think it will help the snowboarding nation to have better snowboards with better graphical designs."

"Apparently we only had to read 302."

"He waited like three seconds and then he said, 'Family! I'm creating an institution called family! You can use it as a model for your kingdoms!'"

"Put that in normal language."
"To become king you have to be a backstabbing, scumsucking jerk."

"He's generally melancholy and despairing, so he's not a chipper person."

"We've got a crazy guy telling a crazy guy a story. This should be interesting."

Renaming Frankenstein: "How I Became a Fiend."

"Mulling is excellent. I recommend it highly."

"It's just reciprocal nonpain causing..."

"Just ignore everything I said."

"Who do you get who has a silver trump and calls people?"
"Well, I was thinking of great jazz musicians..."

"Let's say you have ten rocks of dignity..."
"So pity comes when you have no rocks in your bowl?"

"Notice that that's not a question."
"It was a question."
"All right, sorry, I dequestioned it."

"Dad, I used to drive this car."
"Oh yeah? Did it have floor mats?"
"Well, neither does this one."

"America's favorite entertainment: Other people getting hurt."

"There's forty of you, theoretically against a continent."

"Boy, is she white."

"I wonder what the country's view of pioneers was. Did they think they were courageous... or retarded?"

"This is a great era of people, just, you know, claiming things."

"You know what's funny about that? Well, nothing's funny about that."

"'Cause if you wrap a 6'4" guy in a shawl, nobody's going to recognize him."

"Don't get any ideas about shooting cannons at your old professors. Bad idea."

"If it's a no, then it's a no, ya know?"

The Confederacy: "We're too busy losing to write things down."

"So he's not regarded as a fool?"
"He is by me."

"Can't talk like Yoda. Can't put question marks in your titles."
"Can you talk like Yoda in your title?"

"The Machine will talk to you. It will say, 'You are now part of the Machine' and you will say 'Thank you.'"

"Whatever you just said, forget it. Just remember what I said."

"In my family, we call that rhyming."

"I teach everything from Beowulf to Virginia Woolf around here."

"It looks a little bit like it's having a migraine."

"Several people in this college must be rewind-challenged."

"Intelligence is no guarantee of morality or congeniality."

"The Guillotine is a lot quicker than lethal injection."
"Plus you don't have to have a needle in you."
"That's right. So if you don't like needles... ask for the Guillotine."

"Quebec and Texas should just become Quebexas. They'd speak French with a Texan accent."

"Does eating grass make you docile?"

"That's a nondocile cow. A resistant cow. Possibly a rebellious cow."

"What eats whales? I don't know."

"We had to withdraw my defense 'cause it failed."

"I never make mistakes when drawing an octopus."

"Prompts are an instrument of psychological torture."

"That sounds just like a man. That's just a man talking. Oh man."

Harry Potter: "Is that the only connection you people have with trains?"

"Inferiorating- ooh. That's probably a non-word."

"Good job. You referred to yourself."

"We only use rifles because we don't shoot people."
"What a rule."

"Yeah, but there are also laws, you know."

"Can we leave the world of fantasy for a moment and have real examples from actual life?"

"I actually find you despicable."

"What does this say about her?"
"She's terrifying. Just listen to the music."

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