Thursday, June 25, 2015

There's 104 Days of Summer Vacation

I've written before about how Phineas and Ferb's mission to live summer to its fullest has inspired me to not waste summer.

Last summer, I even had a strategy where I planned one fun activity every Friday all summer long.

Now that I'm an adult out of college, I don't have summer vacation. Every day pretty much bleeds into the next. I miss the magic of summer, which may never come to me again.

BUT. My little brothers and sisters still have summer, and I would be a terrible sister if I didn't help them make it as great as possible.

Here are a few tips on how to summer (yes, I am using it as a verb. Get over it):

Treats: I like food. Like, a lot. Half the fun of life is getting to eat great food. When it comes to treats, you don't always have to spend a lot of money. For example, Arctic Circle has a sale on 79- and 99- cent cones all summer long, every summer. Also, it can be funner and less expensive to make some treats yourself. Storebought lemonade is nice, but homemade, fresh-squeezed lemonade is better. On the flip side, sometimes spending a little more money makes something relatively normal seem special., like ordering delivery rather than picking pizza up from the store yourself.

Timing: When you do something can make the normal seem fantastic. For example, try going to McDonald's at one in the morning or seeing the midnight premiere of a movie. Schoolchildren can't do those things on a normal schoolday, but they can during the summer.

Time-consuming: You can do that super -complicated Star Wars puzzle. You can read for hours or lie outside on the grass and watch clouds. You can play Monopoly for four hours. In the school year, ain't nobody got time for that, but it's summer now. You can slow down. It would surprise you what a novelty relaxation can be.

How do you summer?

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