Friday, March 22, 2013

The Beginning

Well, here I am. And here you are. And here's the blog.

Now what?

Not to make you feel unwelcome, but I don't like writing blogs. At least, not blogs about me. Been there, done that, didn't enjoy it. It was too hard to write about things I care about without oversharing, and yet when I tried to only write about things I didn't care about I ended up with a very shallow product indeed.

For a while I thought about writing an anonymous dating blog. Why? I don't know. I don't date much, but for some reason a dating blog struck me as really fun. I could write about stuff I cared about and it wouldn't matter because I was anonymous. However, I decided that would get real old, real fast.

Then I thought about writing an anyonymous political blog, because I figured that would be a good way to share and discuss politics without using Facebook. (I personally view Facebook as a place to keep in touch with people or share pictures and other info, not as a medium to advance my viewpoints). But I didn't do that either. One) I chickened out. Two) I really hate politics. Like, really. Like, I think I may actually be allergic to them.

So, you're probably wondering. Why are you here?

I'm here because a post on an LDS blog said something that really struck me. The post reminded me (in a loose paraphrase) that people are wondering about the LDS Church right now. They want to know what we're all about. If I'm not willing to tell people what I'm all about, then someone else will. And the things that someone else says about me and about my church--well, they might not be true or fair.

That's why I'm here. I'm here to represent.

This isn't an anonymous dating blog or an anonymous political blog. It's not even particularly anonymous, since I plan to link it to my Facebook page. It's not a family bulletin blog, or a cooking blog, or heaven forbid, a craft blog. It's a blog that defies all description, except for this description: This is an awkward, Mormon blog about the awkward, Mormon life of an awkward, Mormon girl.

Welcome aboard.


Questions, comments, concerns, complaints?