Thursday, July 31, 2014

Harry's Birthday and Things Less Delightful Than That

It's Harry Potter's 34th birthday.

You say, "Harry Potter isn't real."

I say, "A plague on both your houses." Operating, of course, under the assumption that there are two of you. Because obviously blogs are read in pairs. Date night, anyone?

What I'm trying to say is, Harry Potter is more real to me than you are. Oooh, burn.

Guys. I am in a bad mood. One of the cardinal rules of writing is that you should probably never write when you are in a bad mood because you may say things that you regret.

Like hagdfzlhagdkjlsn vagijogcfm .gaiuafyuhjkm rudfsnhcm riucmoffbghgn;gfn;bgv!


And fjadklupr fhmcv, dffjmcvcv,nj fdsf!

To name a few.

Some days, it's hard to believe that everything is going to work out.

But they do. If there's anything I know from my life experience, it's that things always work out.


I'm just really bad at waiting.

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