Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Another Weird Dream

This morning, I woke up needing to use the restroom. I dragged myself out of bed, went to the bathroom, started my morning routine, and then decided to try to catch a little more sleep before I finished getting ready. When I got back to my room, I looked at the clock and realized that it was only 3:00 a.m. Not time to get up yet!

So I went back to sleep...and had a weird dream.

I dreamed that I was a star of some big blockbuster movie starring Martin Freeman and some other people I can't remember. At the wrap-up party after the film was finished, Martin Freeman brought me a really nice gift. I brought him and everyone else a box of doughnuts to share.

We'd been filming at some strange location that was actually some kind of remote theatre camp. I kept walking in on two actors who were playing...Tom and Becky in Big River...or something? They were always talking in hush hush tones. I would retreat to a nearby hollow log that was actually the big industrial pipe in the woods in Stranger Things. (I watched two episodes of Stranger Things; I did not like it. FYI.) Anyway, while I was hiding, I could hear them talking about...hiding a dead body?! Towards the end of the dream, Goldfinger and another improv friend kept hearing them talking, too, but they pretended to be making out so that the murderers would think they weren't listening.

Not my weirdest dream, but...pretty darn weird.

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