Thursday, February 8, 2018

Terrific Tribulations

Usually when I'm having a problem, I don't talk about it until it's resolved. Especially since so many of life's problems involve other people, and I want to avoid casting aspersions on others.

However, we're due for a blog post, and I can think of literally nothing but some problems I am having.

Please note that "terrific" can be either good or bad depending on how you interpret it, thus the blog post title. Because bad things can be good or bad. I mean, they're always bad...that's why they're bad things...and I personally hate hollow phrases like "Maybe this is for the best." I don't think that phrase has ever made anyone feel better ever, unless they're saying it to themselves in a desperate attempt to heal their shattered soul.

I do believe, however, that sometimes things go down right before they come up again.

This still stands.

So does this.

I did get some pretty unusual advice for this variation of interpersonal problems. It is as follows (worded as best as I can remember): "If in the past this kind of thing has happened before and you were the one to reach out to solve it, well this time, don't be that girl."

It's all in the Lord's hands now.

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