Monday, March 23, 2015

Celebrating 2 Years of Awesome

Yesterday marked the two-year anniversary of my first blog post aka the beginning of this whole entire blog aka the beginning of an extra dimension of my life.

It would be easy to flatline at this point in my life. I'm done with school, I have a job, and I'm out of my parents' house. Marriage, kids, my own house--all that is ahead of me, yet currently unattainable. So what do you do when the next big steps of your life cannot be reached?

You make stuff up. Specifically, you ask your roommates if they want to have a party on a Saturday night to celebrate your blog with you.

And then they say yes. So you make plans to go for Chinese food at Hometown's second-best Chinese restaurant.
And you're excited to surprise your roommates with the party favors you made for them.
But then your roommate Pepper surprises you with your very own custom t-shirt, which is even more exciting.
And then you go home and play games and introduce your roommates to Fraggle Rock. And then you all eat a delicious ice cream cake your roommate the Seamstress bought that you name your blog post after.
And now that you have actual blog merchandise, you know that you have to keep going for another year at least. I have some exciting stuff planned for the upcoming year, and I look forward to sharing it with you.

Happy two years, everyone!


  1. Congratulations! Keep up the good work. Where can I get a t-shirt?

    1. Little Brother is trying to persuade me to create, trademark, and sell blog t-shirts. I don't think it's as easy as he thinks it is. If there are ever t-shirts, though, you shall know.


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