Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Delirium and Packing

Adventure of the week: I'm going to the mythical land of Moab.

This is a thing of much joy. I was delirious with excitement about it until I started packing.

Packing is stressful because

1. I always put it off.

When I first see a packing list, I'm all, "Oh, that's easy. I can throw that together in less than an hour. I can just pack the morning of."

And then I start packing and I remember that I'm ADD and it takes me twenty minutes to pack one item because distractions.

Also, I remember how misleading the word "toiletries" is. It makes it sound like a super easy thing to pack. But NOPE. There are like three hundred different types of toiletries--teeth toiletries, face toiletries, hair toiletries, makeup toiletries, deodorant, chapstick, contact lens solution. I have to search far and wide to gather them all and sort them into assorted plastic baggies.

Hate that.

2. I always forget something.

Which makes packing that much more stressful. The whole time, I'm thinking, "Which thing will I forget this time?"

In Europe, it was my sunglasses. That wasn't too bad. But once at EFY, I forget to bring pajamas...

...and underwear.

It was a very interesting week.


  1. I've made a packing list for myself. I put everything on it that I could possibly imagine needing for any trip. When I actually pack, if it's something I don't need, then I check it off, otherwise I pack it (and then check it off). It has worked pretty well for me.


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