Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Needs vs. Wants

I do fear that I have kept you in suspense pertaining to what I ended up spending my $50 Amazon gift card on.

After getting your help with my super-difficult Valentine's Day dilemma (thanks for all the hints!), I remained indecisive about what I should purchase with my Amazon gift card.

I continued to pound the pavement. I spent some time looking online for Gryffindor accessories (because if I attended Hogwarts, I would be a Gryffindor) and earthbender paraphernalia (because if I were a bender, I would be an earthbender).

Then I remembered what my mother and Maslowe's Hierarchy of Needs had taught me, which is that some things are needs and some things are wants.

So instead of spending my gift card on something I merely wanted, I acquiesced to my adulthood and used it to buy things I needed more than wanted: a new spring shirt, a frying pan, and a Nancy Drew computer game.

I regret nothing.

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