Saturday, April 4, 2015

Together Forever

This weekend is General Conference, which is the semiannual meeting for all LDS church members to receive counsel and instruction directly from the prophet and apostles. General Conference is translated into any languages and broadcast around the world, including into the homes of Hometown families.

There were three of the six two-hour sessions today--two sessions for all members, and one for men. I watched the first session at my parents' house with my family.

My mother made us her specialty breakfast food, surprise breakfast rolls, which we ate as we watched the session. We took notes on the talks given by our leaders. We sang together when there were breaks for hymns, and we would make side comments to one other about thoughts that we had.

It's not only General Conference weekend; it's Easter weekend as well, which means we specifically celebrate the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Atonement and Resurrection brought many gifts to the human race. One of those is the potential for humans to overcome sin and death to eventually live an eternal life. You may not be familiar with that phrase, "eternal life," if you're not LDS. Eternal life isn't mere immortality. I would say it's the ability to live forever in a glorified, perfect physical state in the presence of God and of your family.

I was thinking today as we watched General Conference that I am incredibly glad that I have the family that I have. I feel blessed that I have the knowledge the we will be together as a family in the eternities.

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