Monday, May 25, 2015

I Don't Even Know

I'm back from New York City! I plan to tell you all about it. But tonight, I'm going to share a weird dream I had last night.

In this dream, I was at a wedding reception for a family member of Runner Bean's best friend/Best Friend Boy's third cousin. This wedding reception then turned into some Broadwayesque show that bore some similarity to The Lion King. At least, there were some very tall giraffes, one of whom was played by Mr. Shutterbug on extremely high stilts. These stilts were so extremely high that Mr. Shutterbug could place them on the auditorium floor yet still be able to reach the balcony. Strapped to his chest was his and Shutterbug's infant child, who used chopsticks to give us all miniature chocolate chip cookies.

As Mr. Shutterbug stilted away, I turned to Older Sister and said, "I would not be comfortable carrying a baby on those stilts!"

But apparently I was comfortable endangering the lives of older children, because the next thing I knew, I was driving recklessly through the streets of Hometown with Little Sister, Baby Sister, Little Brother, and Monkey Cousin in tow.

I wasn't driving recklessly on purpose, however. I was having a very hard time seeing where I was going and what was around me because I was a backseat driver. Literally, I was driving from the back seat. Even though there was no steering wheel there and no brakes.

It was probably due to the no-brakes thing that we crashed into some cement thing. Not that the dream showed the part where we crashed from the cement thing--I just knew that we had, the same way I knew that the reception was for Runner Bean's best friend/Best Friend Boy's third cousin's family even though I never saw Runner Bean's best friend/Best Friend Boy's third cousin, or Runner Bean, or Best Friend Boy at the reception.

The next scene in the dream was me waking up from a coma in a nursing home where they were caring for me. My nurse had been so kind as to write down on my medical chart the legal charges I was going to face--six counts of attempted murder, even though there were only five people in the car including myself.

A nurse came and started asking me questions, and I knew she was mentally evaluating me. Then my family was allowed to visit me, but the only person who seemed happy about this was Baby Brother.

Then I woke up.

If you're Sigmund Freud and/or some kind of dream astrologist person, you can probably have a field day with interpreting this dream. All it's done for me is make me really paranoid about my driving skills.

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