Friday, May 8, 2015

Shop Til You Drop

My family isn't wealthy. We don’t get to have whatever we want. We don’t get to do all the things we want to do; we don’t get to travel all the places we want to travel. However, through example my parents taught us that when you do get to do things, you make the most of them.

You get invited to a fancy party? You should wear a fancy outfit with nice shoes, jewelry, hair, and makeup. If you don’t have a fancy outfit, you should buy one. If you can’t afford to buy one, you should find someone who will let you borrow one. And if you don’t have the knowledge or means to do fancy hair and makeup, you should get your mom, your sister, or a friend or neighbor to do fancy hair and makeup for you.

You graduate from college? You should get a nice frame to display your very expensive piece of paper. If your school invites you to some special graduation events, you should go to at least some of them, even if it means spending a little extra money. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You should take advantage of the experience.

You go on a special trip? You will not be relaxing on that trip. You will get up early every morning and go to bed late every night so that you have ample time to see all the sights you can, eat all the food that you can’t eat at home, and attend any special events that you can afford to attend. And when you go on that trip, you will bring along fun trip clothes that you will enjoy wearing and taking pictures in.

That is why this past Saturday, Older Sister, Little Sister, and I were joined by our friend Rosebud in a quest to purchase new summer clothes/clothes to wear in New York City.

I am rather excited about some of these clothes. So excited, in fact, that I am going to tell you about them. So if you hate clothes, this would be an opportune time for you to go read another post. You can try this one. Or this one. Or this one. But please note that if you leave now, you will never find out what I am going to wear while in New York City. And you will sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and wonder about it. And you will curse yourself for not reading the rest of the post.

Make your decision now…

…Okay, is everybody who’s staying still here? Okay. Moving on.

First off, please note this beautiful Wembley Fraggle t-shirt my brothers gave me for my birthday:
I am a fan. Please also note that on our trip to New York City, we are going to stop at THE MUSEUM OF THE MOVING IMAGE!!!

If that sentence doesn’t fill you with excitement, you probably don’t know what the Museum of the Moving Image is. Heck, I don’t know what it is. All I know is that they have a JIM HENSON EXHIBIT!


So there is no way that I am not going to that museum. And there is no way that I would not wear a Wembley Fraggle t-shirt when I am no way not going to that museum.

Older Sister advised me on the best way to wear such a t-shirt in a fashionable manner. Apparently, you wear them with this cardigan thing:
Which I will hereafter refer to as the Mokey Fraggle, for obvious reasons:
And with the Mokey Fraggle and the t-shirt, you wear a fun pair of shoes:
I like these shoes. I don't normally wear yellow, but wearing these beauties will be like walking on sunshine all day long. I've been wearing them around to break them in, and they're also surprisingly comfortable.

I have a few other t-shirts to wear with this ensemble, including my Awkward Mormon Girl shirt, and I think it will be a fun thing to wear while tromping around a city I've never seen before.

Older Sister desires that, as part of our New York City trip, we should dress up each night as we go to our Broadway shows.

On my birthday, my parents gave me a bright blue dress and a polka dot scarf.

OLDER SISTER: Are you going to wear that on Broadway?

AWKWARD MORMON GIRL: Well, I thought I might wear it--

OLDER SISTER: On Broadway.

Broadway it is.

My other Broadway clothes include a pink lace dress with gold jewelry that I purchased on Saturday.

Finally, and possibly most importantly, I bought these earrings:
New York City, here I come!

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