Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Total Eclipse

Heeey everybody,

So in case you didn't already hear from LITERALLY EVERYBODY, there was a solar eclipse yesterday.

Everybody else was all excited and chatty and making special plans.

And I'm just kind of in the corner like, "What? What is this? Why is this a thing and why does anyone care?"

Kind of an accurate representation of every social event I've ever attended, actually.

My workplace even held a party with ice cream and fruit salad. Granted, my workplace celebrates everything, but still. Still.

And then all the news outlets were like, "The solar eclipse is the only thing that can bring the divided nation together."

And I was like, "That's Fire Nation propaganda! The four nations are meant to be separate."

Speaking of the Fire Nation, I tried really hard to get someone to commit to invade with me.

First I hit up Little Sister and Little Brother. Little Sister seemed down with it but then I never heard back from her, probably because she's married so she can't commit to bringing down an empire and having a husband.

On the morning of the eclipse, I wished Best Friend Boy a happy half birthday. Then I lied and told him the eclipse was his half-birthday present and asked if he wanted to invade the Fire Nation. He said it was too late of notice to plan an invasion.

All I can say is that I hope everybody enjoyed staring at the sun when they could have been TOPPLING THE FIRELORD.

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