Friday, October 20, 2017

The Not-So-Cute Meet Cute

Just so you know, I met a Canadian today.

Not what I want to talk about, though.

As you may have inferred, I'm working on a writing project related to Verona. Thus today I was sitting at a poolside, meeting a Canadian, and reading the scene in Romeo and Juliet where the teenage lovers meet. As a bit of research, that is.

That's how I discovered something shocking: the meeting of arguably the most famous couple in literature is not cute.

See, Romeo sees Juliet from across the room. He asks a servant who she is, comments on her super hot appearance, and then walks up to her and starts talking about kissing. And then they kiss. And then they discover that their parents hate each other forever.

Contrast that to how I met a Canadian today. This middle-aged Canadian woman and I met at the pool. She offered me a place at her table. I asked her where she was from. She said Canada. She asked me where I was from. I said Utah. I said I was attending a family event, and she said she was visiting friends. Then we didn't talk anymore.

That meeting is probably cuter than Romeo and Juliet's meeting. Just saying.

P. S. I'm in Arizona.

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