Monday, May 9, 2016

Little Brother Gets a Phone

Little Brother got his first phone! An iPhone, no less. A free iPhone, no lesser. Some people have all the luck—my first phone was a junky flip phone with a tiny screen and a number that had previously belonged to someone who may or may not have been in trouble with the law.

Anyways, on Saturday Little Brother called me from the home phone to tell me that he was getting his phone all set up. And then later that day, I got this text from an unknown number.

Unknown Number: Hello?

Awkward Mormon Girl: Hello. Who is this?

Unknown Number: Your brother who is super excited to own a phone

Ah, yes. Little Brother. Obviously, I had to mess with him a little.

Awkward Mormon Girl: What? I don't have a brother.

Then I wondered if that was the nicest thing. Little Brother tends to be self-conscious, and it occurred to me that he might be mortified to think he'd been texting some stranger.

Awkward Mormon Girl: Just kidding. Hi, Little Brother!

Little Brother: Hello

Little Brother: This isn't Little Brother

Little Brother: Is this Clara?

Little Brother: Or Gertie?

Awkward Mormon Girl: Clara? No one's called me that since before the amnesia!

Awkward Mormon Girl: Although if I can remember that, then maybe I don't really have amnesia

Little Brother: Hmmm...

Little Brother: This is awkward

Awkward Mormon Girl: Excessively so.

Little Brother: Well, this was a pleasure

Little Brother: And a confusion

Awkward Mormon Girl: If you do see Little Brother, tell him to text me.

Little Brother: Okay.

Awkward Mormon Girl: Although I don't know how, since I don't [think] either of us actually knows who I am.

Awkward Mormon Girl: Or who Little Brother is.

Little Brother: If you see Gertie, tell her she has two hours to live.

Little Brother: Bye!

...this is going to be either terrifying or fun.

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