Saturday, May 21, 2016

Nice People

You know what I hate? Nice people.

Ohhhkaaay. I have a terrible tendency to speak in exaggerated generalities betimes. I don't hate nice people. Like most folk, I enjoy spending time with nice people. I just dislike it when I'm trying to find out how people feel about me (ie if they have a romantic interest in me) but they're being nice. I have no patience for polite niceties. I want people to tell me if they like me. I want them to tell me if they don't like me. I don't want to play games or play it cool. I just want everyone to always say what they're thinking, and if it tears the entire fabric of society apart, I don't even care.

The End. No jokes tonight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I disagree with this. I don't think it nice to lead another on. Games aren't nice if you are playing them with someone's emotions, or their heart. What is nice is to be honest, to show people the same courtesy you would like to receive. Playing with people's feelings because the other option, being open with them, is uncomfortable is mean and it is selfish.

    1. In what way does this comment disagree with this post?

    2. Unless you're saying that people who are so nice that they would never let on that they dislike you aren't actually nice at all because they're not being courteous enough to be honest with you? (That was a very long sentence.)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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