Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm Going to the Movies Alone

I was going to write a quickie post tonight, for it's been a long week and I'm exhausted and I've eaten way too much ice cream in the past seven days and basically I just want to sleep for the next fifty-something hours

However, in the complicated path through the internet I took to arrive at my blog, I stumbled across a gif that said, "I'm going to die alone."

And instantly, this "why-do-we?" blog post was born.

I could write "why-do-we?" blog posts all day. Well, okay, not all day but probably like every third post. In fact, I have one in the works right now. It's on a subject very dear to my heart.

I could write "why-do-we?" blog posts every third post because sometimes I question the things humans say and do. And today, I'm questioning why we consider "I'm going to die alone" to be the ultimate expression of how depressing loneliness is.

I don't know. I've never died, so maybe that has something to do with it. But personally, I can think of lots of things I would hate to do alone--and dying isn't one of them.

To me, any of the following would be much more depressing than having to be the only person present at my own death:

-Going to the movies alone.

-Going wedding dress shopping alone.

-Going to Father-Daughter Day at school alone.

-Going to Disneyland alone.

-Celebrating my birthday alone.

-Learning a good joke and having nobody to tell it to.

-Going to a party and having nobody to dance with.

-Having nobody to share an exciting secret with.

-Giving birth alone.

-Raising a child alone.

-Bearing a burden alone.

Depressing, right? I think so. What do you think?


  1. So I happened upon your blog while doing some reading about how awkward men are around babies sometimes. So now you know that typing awkward babies in Google search can lead people to you. :) What's kept me here for the past 2 hours reading through all your previous posts is the fact that your freaking hysterical. Especially the preying mantis post. I was DYING. Your a great writer!

    1. Thanks! The praying mantis post is probably my favorite. I hope you keep reading! :)

  2. I went to the movies alone once....

  3. I always go to the movies alone...

    1. Well. I guess the up side is that you never have to share your popcorn.


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