Friday, October 17, 2014

Does This Blog Even Exist?

Do you know the solipsists? They live on Drury Lane. With the muffin man. Possibly. Who the heck even knows?

Solipsists are people who believe that nothing exists outside of the mind. There is no objective reality, say the solipsists. It's all inside your mind.

95% of the people who I can think of off the top of my head would say that's absurd. I'd say it is absurd and yet isn't. After all, the stickiest sticking point is that there's no way to prove a solipsist wrong. If we looked at everything around us in a manner most scientific and objective, it all supports solipsism just as much as it supports realism. There's no way to demonstrate that it exists outside of the mind.

I learned about these delightful solipsists a few days ago, and it's been messing with my mind ever since. Does the chair I'm sitting on actually exist? Does this iPod? Does this blog? Do you? Or are they merely all brain-induced sensations?

There you go. Go think on this and give yourself a ready-made migraine (or a brain-induced sensation of one). I'm going to go eat some Oreos. Supposing that Oreos actually exist. Which at this point is debatable.

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