Monday, October 13, 2014

Meet the Mormons

You may have heard of this movie, Meet the Mormons. If you're reading this blog and you're not LDS, will you please go see it?

What's the movie about?It's a documentary that discusses the lives of six Mormon families around the world.

Will this movie tell me more about what you Mormons believe? Yes, a little bit. More than that, it will show you what our lives are like. Spoiler alert: We all lead very different lives. The only common bond between us is the tenets of our faith.

You mean this movie won't answer my question about Church history/doctrine/practice? No, probably not. It's not that kind of movie. These people are not here to convert you or answer your questions. They're just trying to say, "Hi, I'm a Mormon. Here are some of my experiences, and here's what my current life is like. I want you to hear my story from me and not approximate it from someone else's false portrayal of Mormons."

This movie does take opportunities to clear up a few misconceptions about our doctrine. However, that is not the focal point. There's a reason the movie is called Meet the Mormons, not Mormons Tell All or Bible Bash.

I'm not comfortable with buying a ticket when the money benefits the Mormon church. That's okay. The proceeds actually go to the Red Cross.

Why should I see this movie, anyways? In my first post, I said:
...people are wondering about the LDS Church right now. They want to know what we're all about. If I'm not willing to tell people what I'm all about, then someone else will. And the things that someone else says about me and about my church--well, they might not be true or fair.

That's why I'm here. I'm here to represent.
Meet the Mormons is basically a movie version of this blog. Real Mormons telling real stories about their real lives. Except the movie is less awkward and more heartwarming. And in the movie, there are martial arts. There are no martial arts on this blog. Yet.

Anyways, go see the movie. And then come back and tell me all about it and geek out with me over the martial arts? Capisce? Good. This is a good plan.

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