Monday, November 30, 2015

Update Post

Here's everything you need to know about what I've been up to lately.

First, Little Sister has staunchly insisted that Back to the Future Part III is one movie that she did not, in fact, watch without me during our summer marathons. In fact, she says she's never seen it. So there's that.

Second, I have been adding books to my Goodreads on and off. Right now I've got about twelve hundred read books added, and there are still many bookshelves in my parents' house that I haven't even combed through yet. Stay tuned for the final count.

Penultimately, NaNoWriMo came to an end today. My goal of five pages a week meant that I was shooting for 21 pages, but I ended up with about 28. I guess there were a lot of days where I wrote a little extra.

Ultimately, I often misspell "on" as "ob." Whenever I do this on my phone, it auto corrects it to "Brownies" with a capital B. I do not understand.


  1. I ended up with 25 (which was not my goal, but I am still happy-ish with). If I had kept up my pace from the first half the month I would have had fifty because I don't think I wrote after 11/10.

    1. 25 pages is definitely a good start. Congratulations. :)


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