Saturday, August 27, 2016


Occasionally, people ask me why I don't write about certain big life events on my blog.

There are a lot of interesting things that I definitely could be writing about. Considering that I've lived in Utah my whole life and followed a fairly standard life track, I've had some atypical experiences. The problem is that most of these experiences involved other people. And, years ago, I learned two important lessons when it comes to writing about other people.

Lesson #1: Don't sell out your friends for a good story.

Lesson #2: Be careful what you say about others on the internet.

In following these two lessons, I have definitely robbed my corner of the internet of some good blog posts. However, I've been able to maintain my integrity (and keep potential angry mobs at bay). And that's what's really important.

Now enjoy this photo of Grover trying to convince you to eat carrots. I know I'm sold.

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