Monday, September 23, 2013

Half a Year Down

Yesterday was the sixth monthiversary of Awkward Mormon Girl. It was also Frodo and Bilbo Baggins' birthday. I'm not sure which of those things I should be more excited about.

Six months together, everybody. Things are getting kind of serious. In another six months, the trial period will be over and I'll decide the future of my relationship with this blog.

However. That's not until March. No point in thinking too much about it now.

One note about our first six months together: a lot of people read my blog secretly and don't tell me. I mean, that's cool. If you prefer to remain anonymous, I understand. I try to do that as much as possible myself.

On the other hand... if you want to follow the blog and leave comments and stuff too, I'd greatly appreciate that. Sometimes I feel like no one is listening. Slash reading. Even though the view count tells me otherwise.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, it's nice to get encouragement, and it's nice to get feedback. If you like what you see, let me know! If you don't like it, you should probably let me know, too. I can take it. Probably.

If I can't take it, I'll just sic Little Sister on you, and hey presto! Problem solved. For me, anyways.


  1. I'm fairly new to your blog, but I love it! :)

  2. Love your unique voice and perspective:)

  3. Encouragement! Support! Thanks for writing! Just so's ya know, I get the email updates for your blog, I do love to read it! Keep up the awesome work, and congrats on timing your 6 mo. anniversary to Bilbo/Frodo's b-day's :)

    1. Thank you! I was quite excited when I realized the anniversary coincided with the Bagginses' birthday.

    2. Also, we've got to stop meeting like this...

  4. You're a very talented writer, I hope you'll carry on past a year, if not with this blog, then some other project. I admit I do not religiously read every post, but I do read most, and enjoy them. So keep up the good work Kiddo, and keep speaking the truth.

    1. It's okay if you don't religiously read all the posts. This blog is not a religion. :)
      Thanks for reading!

  5. Me likey awkwardness and the Mormon girl...

  6. Me likey awkwardness and the Mormon girl...


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