Thursday, November 20, 2014


Older Sister complained that I call everything hipster, after a shopping trip in which I called a restaurant, a sweatshirt, and two pairs of Sesame Street socks "hipster."

Now the Sesame Street socks were legitimately hipster. Like, they had hipster glasses Cookie Monster and hipster mustache Elmo on them. As for the other items, I stand by my labels.

Hipster is the new thing. Everything constantly proclaims how fresh and different and original it is. The new mainstream is the non-mainstream.

Whilst putting together our Halloween costumes, the brothers and I ran into some roadblocks. Little Brother couldn't find a Johnesque nightshirt, so he found a pair of pajamas instead. Baby Brother had to wear red footie pajamas instead of pink ones. And for a while, it looked like I would not have a proper costume at all.

Out of desperation, Little Brother and I hatched a plan consisting of a skirt, some lady's boots, and a bucket hat. "Sort of a hipster 1920s Peter Pan," we said, which somehow meant nothing yet perfectly described the resulting look.

Little Brother, who constantly thinks in cinematic terms, began scripting a movie out loud in which all the Peter Pan characters were hipsters. "It will be called Hipsterland," he said.

Now, I know that Baby Brother is a genius but I admit that still I sometimes underestimate him. I assumed he did not really know what a hipster was and that he did not fully understand the Peter Pan hipster jokes that Little Brother and I were cracking.

So I was rather taken aback when Baby Brother announced that he had a hipster joke for Michael. "I wore pink footie pajamas before everybody else did. And now that everybody else is wearing them, I wear red ones."

Spoken like a true hipster.

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