Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Follow-Up Post

There are a few posts that I've been meaning to follow up on but haven't yet. So I thought I'd knock 'em all out with one combo post.

First off, Little Sister brought it to my attention that in Sleeping Beauty, they say "Skumps," not "Scrumps." I'm just gonna say that's not what I remember from when I was three years old, but whatever, Little Sister. If you insist on me being accurate.

Secondly, I mentioned an impending surprise meeting with a professor. Whatever did he want?

As it turns out, he wanted to discuss a group project I'd participated in where not all of the group members had not, shall we say, pulled their own weight. I half-composed a post about how professors should know better than to assign group projects because, apart from being super inconvenient, they have no application in real life. Of course, now I have a job where I essentially do group projects. Go figure.

Finally, over a year ago I mentioned my family's great confusion at Baby Brother's insistence on calling bullies "mayonnaise." This confusion was further compounded by his insistence that the reason he did this was to be British.

Several months after the initial incident, Baby Brother happened to say (this time in an actual English accent) "You're all mayonnaise!"


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