Friday, January 23, 2015

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Whatever

Family Home Evening is, ideally, spent with family. However, in a singles ward, the option of ward family home evening is offered for those who live away from home and don't have family nearby.

I attend family home evening with my ward fairly often. Once we played Telephone. Not telephone, the horrifyingest thing that horrifies me every day, but that game Telephone, where you whisper a phrase in someone's ear and then it gets passed all around the circle until it makes no sense whatsoever. Except in this case, we played it as a sort of hybrid of Pictionary.

Each of us had a stack of ten pieces of paper. On the first piece of paper, we wrote a phrase. We then passed the stack of paper to the person on our left. They read the phrase, then put it at the back of the stack. On a blank piece of paper, they drew a picture of said phrase. They then passed the stack to the person on their left, who looked at the picture, put it on the bottom of the stack, and wrote a phrase describing that picture. And so on and so forth until the paper got back to the person who started.

The phrase I put on my first paper was "half-blood prince."

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