Friday, July 24, 2015

Things That Work Out

It's the 24th of July aka Pioneer Day! Let's all be grateful for the persevering spirit of the pioneers and for their bravery in never giving up.

Two years ago, I saw Snow Angel at the Hometown 24th of July carnival.

Snow Angel is a member of my improv comedy troupe. For a few months, I had seen her hanging around with another member of our troupe, the Ladies' Man. I did theatre with the Ladies' Man in junior high and high school and, as his name suggests, he was always flirting casually with a number of smitten girls. We all wondered if there would ever be a girl that dazzled him enough to cure him of his flirtatious ways.

Years later, when I first saw him with Snow Angel, it was like being struck with a bolt of epiphany-giving lightning. For the first time ever, I looked at one of the Ladies' Man's flirtationships and thought, "Hey, this could go somewhere!" I started shipping them. Hard.

So, that 24th of July, I inquired of Snow Angel how things were going with the Ladies' Man.

She became sorrowful. "We're just friends," she said. She wanted more, but he didn't.

I also became sorrowful. Snow Angel was perfect for the Ladies' Man. Why couldn't he see that?

"Well," I said, "maybe it will work out."

"Oh, no," said Snow Angel.

"Well, it could," I said.

"No," Snow Angel said firmly. "It won't."

A little taken aback, I took my leave of her.

That was two years ago. This 24th of July, Snow Angel and the Ladies' Man are happily engaged.

"It's all because of you!" Snow Angel exclaimed when she showed me her ring. Which I felt was a very untrue statement until she qualified it: "I was so sure it wouldn't work out. But then you told me that it could work out, and then I started thinking, 'Oh. Maybe it could!"

You're probably wondering what the point of this story is. The point is that you should never underestimate the power of positive thinking. Another point is that things really can, and do, work out. Not always that nicely...but they do. Another point is that I shipped some people and now they are getting married. And sometimes I am awesome. And that the 24th of July is awesome. The End.

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