Friday, July 31, 2015

Merry Birthday, Harry

I'm wishing Harry Merry Birthday because Ron already wished him Happy Christmas so these things need to even out somehow.

Here are a series of unrelated Harry Potter facts for you:

-I first read the seventh Harry Potter book almost exactly seven years after I first read the first Harry Potter book. My journey with Harry really did last literally seven years.

-I try to convince everybody I know to take the Sorting Hat quiz on Pottermore. My family is very diverse in terms of sorting. I'm a Gryffindor. Baby Brother is a Hufflepuff. Dad, Little Sister, and Little Brother are Ravenclaws. I'm still trying to convince Mom, Older Sister, and Baby Sister to take the quiz.

-This year, we celebrated Harry's birthday by drinking butterbeer, watching the third movie, and doing the BeanBoozled challenge. There were vomit-flavored jelly beans involved. Also actual vomit after eating vomit-flavored jelly beans.

-Two years ago for Harry's birthday, the little brothers and I made this ridiculous, completely improvised Lego film.


  1. I have a piece of fanfiction I have to recommend to you: . It's written by two extremely funny people that are probably the best people ever.

    1. These people do seem really funny! I bet that someday they will finish this fan fiction and then people can read the whole thing.

  2. I have a piece of fanfiction I have to recommend to you: . It's written by two extremely funny people that are probably the best people ever.


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