Friday, March 24, 2017

Four Years a Blogger

Earlier this week, we passed the four-year anniversary of this blog.

I intended to have some kind of wild celebration, I really did, but then life happened and stress from work happened and so instead of party favors and Chinese food and ice cream cake I passed a quiet evening of many books and mango-coconut sushi and eggless cookie dough.

At the very least, I thought I would write a blog post, but the only thought that came to mind was, "I used to organize the books on my bookshelf by how I felt about them, but when that got too complicated I started arranging them alphabetically instead." That...that was it. That's all I had. It didn't even have anything to do with this blog. So I forewent the post in hopes of being struck by that fickle mistress, inspiration.

Inspiration apparently doesn't feel abusive enough towards me to strike me. Regardless, happy blogiversary to me and this blog with which I am seemingly in a committed, long-term relationship. I'm surprised that we're not sick of each other yet.

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