Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Sick Day

I'm sick.


I have a cold right now. I had a cold a few weeks ago at Little Sister's wedding (more on that later). I had a cold over New Year's, over Christmas/Hanukkah, and over Halloween.

The awkward placement of these colds means that I keep getting colds when I have work off and then calling in sick on the day I'm supposed to be back in. It look bad. It looks like I'm extending my time off, but I'm honest-to-goodness sick. I took yesterday off, but I went in today even though I was dying because I had a deadline that day but also to prove that I really took the day off for a legitimate illness and not because I wanted a four-day Memorial Day weekend.

It's not like I even have good sick days. I usually sleep a lot and read a bunch of stupid stuff on the Internet. Mom usually brings me some lunch when I'm sick, and that's nice, but other than that I lie around in a feverish haze and contemplate my mortality.

But I digress. When I went back to work, I was still pretty sick. My supervisor advised me to leave a little early. Probably because I was sniffling so hard my brains were about to drop out of my nose. Or because I looked like a hot mess but without the hot part.

Hope Memorial Day week was better for everyone else.

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